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Club-Wide TeamSnap is Here! Invite Emails Sent Out!

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Spring 2025 NEW Player Registration

Spring-ONLY registration for players (Spring 2025).

Indoor Facility Address

4395 Weaver Ct, Hilliard, OH 43026

Dublin United Soccer Club General Information and More

Dublin United Soccer Club has been the largest and most successful parent-coached soccer organization is Central Ohio since its beginnings as the Dublin Middle Tier Soccer Organization (DMTSO) in 2005.  We continue to lead the charge with innovative "Foot Skills Sessions", Goalkeeper training, Club Indoor Sessions, our unique Kickoff Event the first week of August, and more opportunities for our players to improve in the Summer, in season, and over the Winter.

Full teams are welcome to join us!

Questions?  email or call 614-515-9300.

NOTES about DUSC Player Evaluations that make Dublin United Soccer Club unique:

1.  Our fees INCLUDE a complete uniform kit, training jerseys, up to 20 footskills sessions (including up to six indoor sessions), goalkeeper training, up to 20-24 regular season games between Fall and Spring, three-four local tournaments. 

2.  Our teams currently play in the largest league in Central Ohio (Central Ohio Premier League/Ohio Champions League) that includes all of the largest and most successful clubs in the area.

3.  Our COACHES develop their own rosters with assistance from DUSC.

4.  Our coaches develop their own schedules for both games and practices/training sessions.

5.  When possible, we attempt to allow players to be paired with friends (this is NOT ALWAYS possible!).  We also allow players to "play up" with their friends assuming they have the ability (frequently, this means playing "age up, grade even").  With the change to calendar year cut-offs, many January through July players end up not playing against players in their own grade until getting to high school.  We do not believe that forcing these situations is in the best interest of the PLAYER!

6.  If a coach has a full roster, one player or anything in between, we will assist that coach in "building" or confirming a roster for the season.

Where Do I Mail Check?

P.O. Box 1223, Dublin, OH 43017


Follow Us!


Our teams play in the Ohio Champion's League

- visit league website -